Apr 22,2016
Get Ready, Set, Read!
Have you ever heard of a readathon? I hadn’t up until this past week and was totally intrigued by the event. Within a specific duration, you dedicate as much time as possible to reading with little interruption. The most talked about is Dewey’s 24 Hour...
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May 4,2015
Make It Happen May
Now that it is May, we are almost half-way through the year of 2015! It’s a great time to reflect on what goals you’ve accomplished and the areas you are still trying to focus on. One of my favorite vloggers, Nikki Phillippi, has created a series on her...
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Jan 5,2015
Why You SHOULDN’T Make New Year’s Resolutions
Happy New Year! 2015 has arrived along with the many list’s of new year’s resolutions. Wether you’ve already created your resolutions or have it on your to-do list, I’m here to say stop and scrap it. New year’s resolutions are so...
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