Nov 11,2015
The Burger Critique
Receiving a critique on your work can either be the most terrifying or rewarding experience. I have had both good and bad critiques on my work; the one thing these evaluations have in common is providing strength. While we all hope to get positive feedback on our...
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Oct 19,2015
Making Time for Yourself
If you’re anything like me, you always find yourself busy or thinking of exciting new ideas. It’s great to be a hard-working individual, but it becomes increasingly difficult to find time to do other relaxing things that you love. Making time for yourself...
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Jan 5,2015
Why You SHOULDN’T Make New Year’s Resolutions
Happy New Year! 2015 has arrived along with the many list’s of new year’s resolutions. Wether you’ve already created your resolutions or have it on your to-do list, I’m here to say stop and scrap it. New year’s resolutions are so...
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