Sep 30,2016
Embrace the Fallgasm
Autumn has officially returned and so have I! (For now, at least.) I apologize for disappearing for the majority of 2016 – life has truly gotten the best of me. Between work craziness, losing my family dog, and wedding planning it’s been difficult to find...
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Oct 30,2015
Simple & Healthy Apple Nachos
The final days of October also mean the final days of the harvesting season are upon us. For those of us who hit the orchards last month, we still have plenty of fruit to devour before it expires. I’ve been thinking of creative ways to eat the last of my...
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Oct 23,2015
No Worries Weekend
With only one week of October left, life is about to get pretty hectic as we begin preparing for the holidays. Before the craziness begins, I encourage you to take a mental break this weekend. Clear out some time on your schedule to disconnect from the world and enjoy...
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Oct 9,2015
Welcoming the Autumn Atmosphere
Even though Autumn has officially been in season for several weeks now, we’re just starting to feel it’s effects in Rhode Island. Jackets are being worn, apples are ready to be picked, and the leaves are beginning to turn beautiful auburn colors. While...
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Sep 30,2014
FALL FREEBIE – October 2014 Calendar
During the initial stages of creating this Born Creative blog, I began to brainstorm what to write about. I quickly had trouble keeping track of when I’d be posting specific topics, thus this October calendar freebie was created! Rather than mixing all of my tasks...
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