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If you do not already burn candles, Autumn is the best time to start! What is better than cozying up on a crisp fall day with a glowing candle that aromatizes the entire room? However, each year tons of new scents are released and you may be wondering which ones to actually splurge on. Luckily I am a candle fanatic and have my top 5 fall candle scents for you to choose from!

This year alone, Bath & Body Works released over 10 new autumn candles. I’ve burned almost all of them but I still go back to these 5 classic scents.

Pumpkin Cupcake
In my opinion the best pumpkin candle out there, hands down. Not only is it a deliciously sweet pumpkin scent but you also get whiffs of rich buttercream too.

This scent is very reminiscent to the beginning days of the Autumn season, think of that traditional outdoor fragrance mixed with spiced apples.

Crisp Apple Strudel
This candle is mouth-watering, light it and be transported to a fresh bakery. The name really does say it all. It’s unfortunately retired but you should be able to find it at any Yankee Candle outlet.

Warm Caramel Cider
Formerly known as “Cider Lane” this is the perfect combination of caramel, apples and vanilla.

Pumpkin Caramel Latte
A blend of strong coffee, creamy pumpkin and a mixture of warm spices. I find this fragrance to be very bold and welcoming.

Top 5 Fall Candle Scents

A bit of advice before going on a candle shopping spree, most brands offer small votive sizes for you to try out and I highly recommend this. Also wait for sales, most of the candles I mentioned are from Bath & Body Works where there is usually a deal going on every other week.

I hope I could help guide you to your new go-to fall candle. Comment below what your favorite Autumn fragrances are, I’m always interested in trying something new!

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