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Taking Time Off & Flashback Friday

Taking Time Off & Flashback Friday

The past several weeks have been extremely busy with my full-time design job and managing this blog. I’m not complaining because I consider myself to be extremely lucky to be doing two things that I’m very passionate about. But, with the amount of stress that has accumulated I’ve begun to lose focus which is negatively impacting my productivity. The best thing for me at this point in time is to take the next week off from blogging, so please understand why I’ll become MIA.

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The Burger Critique

The Burger Critique

Receiving a critique on your work can either be the most terrifying or rewarding experience. I have had both good and bad critiques on my work; the one thing these evaluations have in common is providing you with strength. While we all hope to get positive feedback on our creations, that’s not always the case. It’s inevitable that someone won’t like what you have done. The best way to explain this experience is through a burger analogy. Yes, a burger.

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Pop of Plaid + Giveaway

Pop of Plaid + Giveaway

My iPhone 5S has been naked for almost two years. Anytime I tried using a case it quickly became dirty, so I decided to use it without one and admire the gold detailing. Over time, the back plate has become scratched and I’ve recently been worried about damaging it, especially since there are two newer models out. I’ve never been much of a fan of other phone cases on the market, so I was overjoyed when I learned that I could create my own through CaseApp.

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The Kitchen Matrix

The Kitchen Matrix

One of the most innovative ways to express ourselves is through cooking. We may not all be chefs, but coming home after an 8-hour workday and letting our creativity run wild while cooking dinner can be very pleasurable. Mark Bittman recently published a unique cookbook that offers more than 700 customizable recipes. The Kitchen Matrix brings joy back into a part of our live’s that can sometimes become mundane through it’s endless possibilities.

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3 Sleep Aids for a Restful Night

3 Sleep Aids for a Restful Night

This past weekend we turned the clocks back and even though we “gained” an extra hour of sleep, it can still be difficult to fall into our normal sleep schedules. As someone who struggles to doze off most nights, I’ve tried just about every sleep aid on the market. To help you get the beauty sleep you deserve, I’ve compiled my top 3 sleep aids – you should be back into your routine in no time!

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Born Creative Blog Founder & Graphic Designer Michelle Gray


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