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Journaling & Being Thankful

Journaling & Being Thankful

November is here along with the countdown to the holidays! I’m all for embracing the festivities, but each day moving forward is about to get much busier. If you’re anything like me, your mind is already in overdrive and you have a thousand ideas bouncing around your head. Instead of constantly feeling overwhelmed, organize your thoughts by journaling!

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Simple & Healthy Apple Nachos

Simple & Healthy Apple Nachos

The final days of October also mean the final days of the harvesting season are upon us. For those of us who hit the orchards last month, we still have plenty of fruit to devour before it expires. I’ve been thinking of creative ways to eat the last of my apples and have a fun recipe that both kids and adults will love; apple nachos!

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Trick or Treat Yourself

Trick or Treat Yourself

One of the easiest ways to boost your confidence is to take the time to treat yourself. You are extremely hard-working and should be rewarding yourself often. This may mean taking a bubble bath, investing in a new outfit, or getting a manicure. I try to schedule an hour each week to pamper myself and have developed a relaxing routine that leaves me feeling radiant.

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The Hottest Halloween Costume

The Hottest Halloween Costume

We are officially in the homestretch of October and only have a few more days to get our Halloween costumes ready! I applaud all of you who are already prepared, but I’m in the procrastination boat. Let’s be real, at this point I may just stay in and watch Hocus Pocus. In honor of the holiday, I’ve created a fun little comic that’ll hopefully put a smile on your face as the final touches of your ensemble come together.

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No Worries Weekend

No Worries Weekend

With only one week of October left, life is about to get pretty hectic as we begin preparing for the holidays. Before the craziness begins, I encourage you to take a mental break this weekend. Clear out some time on your schedule to disconnect from the world and enjoy yourself. Don’t worry about the projects you need to work on, the e-mails you need to reply to, or planning next week’s activities. It’s important to take time to recharge and live in the moment. Lucky for you, there are plenty of Fall activities to help you do just that!

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Born Creative Blog Founder & Graphic Designer Michelle Gray


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